Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Podcast Away

Welcome to Political Fingers

PF is a podcast that covers news, stories and events from a damn Liberal point of view.
This is episode #1 - The beginning of a dynasty.

Show Notes

Alabama ranks 48th lowest in life span
Average life expectancy of people living in Utah

Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds.
CAD U37 - The microphone I use to record the show.
Boogie2988 - He does stuff and things on the Internet for his own amusement.
Jon Voight - Tea Party manifesto on Fox.
Meteor streaks across the Midwest
Etta Baker - Blue Grass guitar
Youtube - Woman yells Heil Hitler to Jewish man.
Time Magazine - Living longer

All non-narrative audio clips are not owned by me but are part of "Fair Use" and are used for non-monetary, educational and commentary purposes. All music has been purchased by me but I own no rights to the music.

All other material is copyrighted 2010 Kmuzu


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